Toilet Rebate Program
Metro Water District offers its single-family residential customers a $50 rebate when a High Efficiency or Dual Flush toilet replaces older, water guzzling 1.6, 3, 5, or 7 gallon toilet. Additional toilets replaced are eligible for the rebate as well.
The current plumbing code requires new toilet being installed or replaced to be a 1.6 gallon or less toilet. The High Efficiency toilet is designed to use 1.28 gallons or less of water per flush. Dual Flush toilets give two flush options. The toilet rebate is only for the installation of High Efficiency or Dual Flush toilets by Metro Water single-family residential customers.
Please Note:
The toilet rebate is available as long as funds for the rebate exist in the budget.
Water Harvesting Rebate Program
Metro Water District offers a rebate of up to $200 for reimbursement of qualifying water harvesting system components purchased by District customers. The rebate is for graywater and/or rainwater harvesting systems, as both systems capture water that is usually discarded so that it can be used for outdoor watering.
Graywater is the re-use of water from the laundry, shower, or bathroom sink. Diverting water before it goes down the drain and using it on outdoor plants will result in lower water usage each month, which means a savings on your water bill.

Rainwater harvesting is capturing rain and using it for outdoor watering instead of letting it run down driveways and walkways, and off your property.
Please Note:
The water harvesting rebate is available as long as funds for the rebate exist in the budget.
The Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona (Water CASA) has published a booklet on graywater harvesting. Copies of this booklet and others are available at the Metro Water Office located at 6265 N La CaƱada, Tucson, Arizona.